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Skype for Business Archive - https://securitynetwork.de Thu, 29 Nov 2018 13:36:06 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.9 76978976 Remove Delegate from SQL Database https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2018/11/29/remove-delegate-from-sql-database/ https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2018/11/29/remove-delegate-from-sql-database/#comments Thu, 29 Nov 2018 13:36:06 +0000 http://securitynetwork.de/?p=3227 Remove all Delegate from Skype SQL Database „RTCLocal“ We know that we have sometimes Problem with Delegates, we can´t read / Change / remove with sefautil.exe. I create a Script for this issue, this is very helpful If you have more delegate under „Manage Calls from:“ and no other Chance to remove it, you can […]

Der Beitrag Remove Delegate from SQL Database erschien zuerst auf .

Remove all Delegate from Skype SQL Database „RTCLocal“

We know that we have sometimes Problem with Delegates, we can´t read / Change / remove with sefautil.exe.

I create a Script for this issue, this is very helpful

If you have more delegate under „Manage Calls from:“ and no other Chance to remove it, you can use this small script.


Example: Get-SFBDelegate -DelegatorSip test1@contoso.com -DelegateSIP Test2@contoso.com


function Get-SfBDelegate {

$SFBPools = Get-CsService | sort identity |select identity
$table =@()
foreach ($SFBPool in $SFBPools.identity)
$split = $SFBPool.Split(„:“)
$table += @{‚Function‘ = $split[0];’FQDN’=$split[1]}
$out = $table.ForEach({[PSCustomObject]$}) | ?{$.Function -match „registrar“} | Group-Object -Property Function

$menu = @{}
$Fqdn = ($out.group | ?{$_.FQDN -match „pool“} | select fqdn -Unique).FQDN
if ($fqdn.Count -gt „1“){
for ($i=1;$i -le $FQDN.count; $i++) {
Write-Host “ $i. $($FQDN[$i-1])“
for ($i=1;$i -le $FQDN.count; $i++) {
Write-Host “ $i. $($FQDN)“
[int]$ans = Read-Host ‚Enter selection‘
$selection = $menu.Item($ans)
$servers = (Get-CsComputer -Pool $selection).identity

#$Servers = (Get-CsComputer | Where-Object -Property Pool -Match $pool | Select-Object identity).identity

$array =@()

foreach ($server in $Servers){

$DelegateQuery = „Select * From rtc.dbo.Resource Where UserAtHost='$delegateSIP‚“
$DelegateResult= (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server\rtclocal -Query $DelegateQuery)
$DelegatorQuery= „Select * From rtc.dbo.Resource Where UserAtHost='$delegatorSIP‚“
$DelegatorResult= (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server\rtclocal -Query $DelegatorQuery)

$resourceID = $DelegatorResult.ResourceId
$DelegationQuery = „select * From [rtc].[dbo].[Delegate] Where DelegatorId = '$resourceID‚“
$DelegationResult =(Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server\rtclocal -Query $DelegationQuery)

foreach ($Delegation in $DelegationResult){
$search = $Delegation.DelegateId
$SQLscript = „select * From rtc.dbo.Resource where ResourceId = '$search‚“
$return= (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server\rtclocal -Query $SQLscript)

if ($DelegateResult.ResourceId -notmatch $search){$toRemove = „yes“} else {$toRemove = „no“}

$Subscribs = New-Object psobject -Property @{DelegatorId = $Delegation.DelegatorId;
DelegatorSIP =$DelegatorResult.UserAtHost;
DelegateId = $Delegation.DelegateId;
DelegateSIP =$return.UserAtHost;
FrontendServer = $server;
toRemove = $toRemove}
$array += $Subscribs

($Global:array = $array)| sort toRemove | ft -a Delegator*, Delegate*, Front*, to*

if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:array))){

$n = „n“
$n = Read-Host -Prompt „Do you like to remove all with property toRemove = yes? Press y = yes, n = no“

if ($n -eq ‚y‘){
foreach ($arr in $array){
if ($arr -match „yes“) {
$removeDelegator = $arr.DelegatorId
$removeDelegate = $arr.DelegateId
$DeleteQuery =“Delete From [rtc].[dbo].[PromptedSubscriber] Where PublisherId = '$removeDelegator‚ AND SubscriberId = '$removeDelegate
Delete From [rtc].[dbo].[Delegate] Where DelegatorId = '$removeDelegator‚AND DelegateId = '$removeDelegate‚“

$server = $arr.FrontendServer+“\rtclocal“
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server -Query $DeleteQuery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Output „DELETED !!“
$arr | ft -a

$SubscriberId | ft -a
else {Write-Host „we dont found Entrys for the delegator: $delegatorSIP and delegate: $delegateSIP „}

}# Remove Delegator in SQL DATABASE end

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https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2018/11/29/remove-delegate-from-sql-database/feed/ 1 3227
Skype for Business Resources https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/18/skype-for-business-resources/ https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/18/skype-for-business-resources/#respond Sat, 18 Apr 2015 10:15:14 +0000 http://securitynetwork.de/?p=3110 Endlich sind auch die ersten Informationen über Skype for Business „SfB“ da.   Hier sind einige Links für euch TechNet Documentation: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398616.aspx Skype for Business change management and adoption: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Skype-for-Business-change-management-and-adoption-d8d85da6-52e7-4819-8451-45c103fb5ccb?omkt=en-us&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US Skype for Business Protocol Workloads Poster: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46448 Skype for Business Client awareness and readiness resources: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46369 Skype for Business Solutions Catalog: http://partnersolutions.skypeforbusiness.com/solutionscatalog Skype for Business FAQs: https://products.office.com/en-US/skype-for-business/faqs TechNet Documentation: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398616.aspx Skype for […]

Der Beitrag Skype for Business Resources erschien zuerst auf .


Endlich sind auch die ersten Informationen über Skype for Business „SfB“ da.



Hier sind einige Links für euch

TechNet Documentation: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398616.aspx

Skype for Business change management and adoption: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Skype-for-Business-change-management-and-adoption-d8d85da6-52e7-4819-8451-45c103fb5ccb?omkt=en-us&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US

Skype for Business Protocol Workloads Poster: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46448

Skype for Business Client awareness and readiness resources: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46369

Skype for Business Solutions Catalog: http://partnersolutions.skypeforbusiness.com/solutionscatalog

Skype for Business FAQs: https://products.office.com/en-US/skype-for-business/faqs

TechNet Documentation: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398616.aspx

Skype for Business change management and adoption: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Skype-for-Business-change-management-and-adoption-d8d85da6-52e7-4819-8451-45c103fb5ccb?omkt=en-us&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US

Skype for Business Protocol Workloads Poster: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46448

Skype for Business Client awareness and readiness resources: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46369

Skype for Business Solutions Catalog: http://partnersolutions.skypeforbusiness.com/solutionscatalog

Skype for Business FAQs: https://products.office.com/en-US/skype-for-business/faqs

Wenn ich einen Link vergessen haben sollte, dann last es mich wissen und ich werde ihn hier hinzufügen.

Der Beitrag Skype for Business Resources erschien zuerst auf .

https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/18/skype-for-business-resources/feed/ 0 3110
Remote Call Control mit Skype for Business https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/04/remote-call-control-mit-skype-for-business/ https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/04/remote-call-control-mit-skype-for-business/#comments Sat, 04 Apr 2015 11:07:02 +0000 http://securitynetwork.de/?p=3060 Remote Call Control mit Skype for Business Client Nach der Installation fällt auf dass der Skype for Business Client das Branding von Skype hat. Eine Funktion die in diesem Skype Branding wegfällt ist "RemoteCallControl". Es ist dennoch möglich mit Skype for Business "Remote Call Control" zu betreiben. Dazu muss in der ClientPolicy "EnableSkypeUI" auf $false […]

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Remote Call Control mit Skype for Business Client

Nach der Installation fällt auf dass der Skype for Business Client das Branding von Skype hat. Eine Funktion die in diesem Skype Branding wegfällt ist "RemoteCallControl". Es ist dennoch möglich mit Skype for Business "Remote Call Control" zu betreiben.

Dazu muss in der ClientPolicy "EnableSkypeUI" auf $false gestellt werden.

Nach einen Neustart des Clients sehen sie wieder die Lync 2013 GUI und RemoteCallControl ist wieder möglich.


Hier ein Auszug von Microsoft Office Blog:

Controlling the UI in Lync Online and Skype for Business Online

We demonstrate how this is performed for the online service on the show; once you’re logged into the online service via PowerShell, you can use Grant-CsClientPolicy Cmdlet as shown below, to control the experience: Disable Skype user interface (UI) for all users:

Grant-CsClientPolicy -PolicyName ClientPolicyDisableSkypeUI

Enable Skype UI for all users:

Grant-CsClientPolicy -PolicyName ClientPolicyEnableSkypeUI

These Cmdlets will control the UI presented to all users in your Office 365 or Lync Online tenant. There are more options for controlling the experience at an individual user or group level on TechNet.

Controlling the UI in Lync Online and Skype for Business Online

We demonstrate how this is performed for the online service on the show; once you’re logged into the online service via PowerShell, you can use Grant-CsClientPolicy Cmdlet as shown below, to control the experience: Disable Skype user interface (UI) for all users:

Grant-CsClientPolicy -PolicyName ClientPolicyDisableSkypeUI

Enable Skype UI for all users:

Grant-CsClientPolicy -PolicyName ClientPolicyEnableSkypeUI

These Cmdlets will control the UI presented to all users in your Office 365 or Lync Online tenant. There are more options for controlling the experience at an individual user or group level on TechNet.

Controlling the UI in Lync Server and Skype for Business Server

If you’re running Lync Server and want to roll out the updated Skype for Business UI to your organization, you can use the Set-CsClientPolicy Cmdlet: Enable Skype UI for all users:

Set-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global -EnableSkypeUI $true

Disable Skype user interface (UI) for all users:

Set-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global -EnableSkypeUI $false

In addition to the options above for selecting between the Skype for Business UI and the Lync UI, we’ve created a number of resources to help with awareness, readiness and adoption.  These resources, along with the ability to switch the UI between the two interfaces, will give users the resources they need to be prepared for this change.


In O365 sind folgende ClientPolicys schon angelegt Identity

Mit diesem Befehl könnt ihr für einen Online User die Policy für den Lync-Client 2013 GUI per Powershell setzen

Get-CsOnlineUser <SIP@Adresse> | Grant-CsClientPolicy Tag:ClientPolicyDisableSkypeUI

oder dann für alle

Get-CsOnlineUser | Grant-CsClientPolicy Tag:ClientPolicyDisableSkypeUI  

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https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/04/remote-call-control-mit-skype-for-business/feed/ 1 3060
Skype for Business-Servers kommt!!! https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/04/skype-for-business-servers-kommt/ https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/04/skype-for-business-servers-kommt/#respond Sat, 04 Apr 2015 10:59:59 +0000 http://securitynetwork.de/?p=3057 Es ist nun offiziell: der Skype for Business Client kommt am 14. April mit einem Office Update. Das Meldete der offizielle BLOG Microsoft Office Blog veröffentlicht. Eine Preview Version des Skype for Business Clients gibt es bereits hier zum Download.   Die Veröffentlichung des Skype for Business-Servers folgt am 1. Mai!

Der Beitrag Skype for Business-Servers kommt!!! erschien zuerst auf .


Es ist nun offiziell: der Skype for Business Client kommt am 14. April mit einem Office Update. Das Meldete der offizielle BLOG Microsoft Office Blog veröffentlicht. Eine Preview Version des Skype for Business Clients gibt es bereits hier zum Download.


Die Veröffentlichung des Skype for Business-Servers folgt am 1. Mai!

Der Beitrag Skype for Business-Servers kommt!!! erschien zuerst auf .

https://securitynetwork.de/blog/2015/04/04/skype-for-business-servers-kommt/feed/ 0 3057